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Create an applet called HWJ13_BallBounce starter code here. Have the ball:

  • appear at a random location on the screen
  • Have the ball move originally in a random direction.
  • Add code so that every 40 times it moves the color changes (between any color you want).
  • Add a button that stops the animation and a button to start the animation.


  • Make the ball get slightly bigger and smaller as the animation goes on (like a beating heart).
  • Get slighly faster as the time goes on.
  • A little bit of randomness so that the ball does not always go in a diamond pattern

Game for Advanced

  • Copy the ball so that you have 3 bouncing around the screen.
  • Make it a game (maybe have a square that you control and avoid it, maybe...)



  • Have these global variables
    int ballX,ballY, changeInX, changeInY, ballSize   
  • Remember there are 20 frames a second. So if we want 2 seconds, ti would be 40 frames; we might have a statement if (frames%40==0)